Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We are all blessed with abundance in many different forms.  We ask for blessings, seek them earnestly, and even give thanks when they appear, but do we take the time to intentionally bless others?



Success is defined in many ways by each of us. Our definition of what constitutes success determines whether we are happy and joyful in life or whether we are despondent and fearful. Most people accept the world’s definition of success. They measure success in terms of fame, power, wealth and possessions. If they acquire certain things, live in a certain place or look a certain way, they are considered successful.

So people dress for success and play the game of acquiring and achieving. It is not that this type of success is good or bad, but it is not complete. True success is an internal state of mind, independent of outward factors. True success can only be measured by God. If you use the world’s yardstick you may fall short; but if you use God’s yardstick you can be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

Consider today what success means to you. How do you define it? If it is something that the world can either give or take away, it is often accompanied by fear. If success is between you and God, you will be supported by His eternal peace and love.

Do you want to know the best kept secret of success? It’s so easy that most people completely miss it. That which you give away comes back to you. That which you pray for others returns to you. In order to be truly successful in life, “Bless for Success!

Bless others daily. Pray for them and send them your love. Ask God to grant others the gifts He has to bestow. Forget about yourself and what you think you require. Bless others and receive the true success that comes from trusting in God.

Today, send silent blessings to all you meet. Bless your family, friends, neighbors, the postman, the clerk, or the person crossing the street while you wait for a red light. Forget about what you think you do not have and simply count your blessings. Give thanks for all you do have at this moment. Send out your blessings to the world.

Bless for success! The experience of silently blessing and serving others is life changing. Sow blessings today and reap God’s love. Become God’s partner and bless for success.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


    It's summertime and warm days, brilliant sunshine and lush gardens remind me of long past summers.  One of my favorite childhood activities was drinking a cool glass of lemonade under the shade of our large weeping willow tree in the front yard.

    Saturday, August 20, is National Lemonade Day ... so how about joining with me in making some sweet, summer lemonade.


    You’ve probably heard the statement, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  You shake your head and agree, but do you really understand the powerful message in these words?  This is a casual statement, but it holds incredible power.  These words contain the power to change your life.

   If life gives you lemons, the first thing to do is to give thanks as they are gifts from God.  Then, look carefully at the words.  The phrase doesn’t say, “If life gives you lemons, receive lemonade,” it says, “make lemonade.”  You must do your part.  Action and intent are required.  Adding something sweet is required.  This sweet ingredient is love.

    Lemons don’t magically become sweet lemonade.  Life doesn’t magically become better.  There has to be action and there has to be love.  Even if you add water and effort, without adding the sweet ingredient of love, all you’ve got is a glass of lemon water. 

    What cup will you drink from today?  You are the one who chooses.  You are the one who decides by your actions and reactions.  Is your life full of lemons today?  What will you do with them?  It is important to add the sweet ingredient of God’s love.  Give thanks and praise Him!  Look around and discover your opportunities and blessings.  Fill your life with God’s love.  Do you want lemons or lemonade?  It’s all up to you.

From Whisperings of the Spirit - A Daily Walk in the Light by Rain Sundberg

Monday, August 8, 2011


    There are many voices in the world today, and often the quiet whispers of the spirit are not heard.  Silence and stillness are the gateway which allows you to listen and receive divine guidance and inspiration.


   Have you ever had a day where you just couldn’t sit still?  Perhaps you would sit down, and then very quickly you would get up and begin moving around. You might pace, wander, wiggle, walk, or just move in place.  What was it that caused you to move?  Perhaps your muscles were tight, your blood supply might have been cut off, or you simply needed food in your system, but you were strongly prompted to move around.

  Well, God does the same thing.  He prompts us to move.  He does this by small whisperings or nudgings, and occasionally with a voice loud and clear.  At these times we have the choice of ignoring His voice or we can listen.  If we listen, we have another decision.  Do we sit still and do nothing, or do we get up and follow His direction?  If we are following God’s path we let His spirit move us.  We listen and then follow the guidance we are given.

   When we allow God’s spirit to move us, we exercise faith and trust.  We often do not know how, why, what, where, or when, but we do know Who is leading us.  We have faith and trust that God is in charge of our life and we simply follow where He leads us.  When we let His spirit lead us, we put God at the center of our life.

   Are you feeling restless today?  Are there recurring thoughts that keep popping up, that perhaps might be from God?  Are you being impressed to do something?  Is the spirit trying to move you?  Listen quietly in the silence.  Feel God’s spirit surround you — loving, guiding and directing.  Turn your life over to His care.  Walk with God beside you.  Follow where He leads.

   Be willing to allow God to inspire and strengthen you.  Forget how, why, what, where and when, and simply trust in God.  He is prompting you, so listen carefully.  He is showing the way, so follow His guidance.  He is with you, so receive His peace.  You are not alone.  God loves you and He is with you.  Allow God’s spirit to move you today!
From Whisperings of the Spirit – A Daily Walk in the Light by Rain Sundberg