Saturday, December 31, 2011


      Happy New Year! These words will be shouted, whispered, sung and spoken millions of times as the New Year approaches. “Happy New Year!” we optimistically shout. Perhaps this is the year we will truly be happy, fulfilled, and find contentment and peace. We look forward with expectancy, letting the old year fall away, but do we pass the last few minutes of the year with praise and thanksgiving for what we have right now? Shout happy day! Thank you God! Forget about the New Year. It will arrive soon, but not till midnight. Praise God now. Shout your thanks ... Happy New Year’s Eve! Appreciate this priceless day. 

    What about making New Year’s resolutions? Why not simply make a new day’s resolution? A year is so long and commitments made are often forgotten, but a new day’s resolution is something you can accomplish. Resolve this day to love God and to turn to Him for guidance and direction. Resolve to thank God and praise Him for all things. Resolve to seek and do His will.

    This is the day God has given to you. Rejoice and give thanks. Recognize this day’s unique perfection. Keep your eyes and your heart centered on the present moment. Happy New Year’s Eve! It’s time to celebrate. God has given you another day. Live ... love ... breathe ... see ... be ... smell ... hear ... taste ... feel ... rejoice ... give thanks!

     Tomorrow and the New Year will soon be here. Don’t forget and neglect this glorious moment as you anticipate tomorrow and the coming year. The journey continues; the place is here and the time is now. Open your arms and receive God’s gifts and blessings. Watch Him perform miracles in your life.  He is with you. Happy New Day! Happy New Year’s Eve!

Saturday, December 24, 2011


      The wondrous season of Christmas is here. Christmas is a time of festive celebration and honoring joyous miracles. It is a time of giving and receiving love.  

      This is the season of love, joy and peace, and yet many people totally forget the reason for the season and become caught up in the Christmas mad rush. To many Christmas only means stressful shopping, overextending credit cards and fulfilling obligations, but Christmas is so much more than this. Christmas is a time to remember the birth of the Christ child and to celebrate His gift to the world of His love and compassion.

      Walk this day in wonderment, observing the incredible gifts and diversity of God. Be filled with God’s love and peace. Share your love and compassion with all you encounter. Many are waiting for your unique expression of love. Shine forth and sing your song of joy and celebration. You are loved; you are love. Revel and delight in this day; appreciate this joyous season. Spread peace, love and joy wherever you go.  

      The new year approaches, but do not miss out on the glorious days as you rush to finish the old year. Enjoy each day to the fullest. Celebrate the season of Christmas with joy and gratitude. Experience the true spirit of Christmas as you share your love, friendship, kindness, joy, compassion and forgiveness.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us."
~- Helen Keller

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beauty is God's Handwriting

"Never lose an opportunity for seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament.  Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it is as a cup of blessing."  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, October 27, 2011


     Encouragement and compassion are brought to the forefront. Allow yourself to feel compassion and empathy for others. Act upon divine guidance and impulses to be of service. Your words of compassion and encouragement are greatly needed and appreciated. You are sent forth to be a light of hope and encouragement to many. Feel deep gratitude at this time that you are encouraged and loved by God. You are supported by divine energy which allows you to continue your mission of love and encouragement.    
     Do not lose sight of yourself as you extend love and care to others. Fill your cup to the brim, to overflowing, and then love and caring will naturally spill from you, leaving you continually full as you fill others. The time for giving to others is when your cup is full. This occurs as you are continually filled by God’s divine love. Listen, act, give and receive.   
     Listen for words of encouragement from others. God speaks through many faces. Others are waiting for messages of hope and encouragement from you, and you are waiting for theirs. Allow the golden circle of compassion and kindness to flow to you and through you. Love is expressed as you pass along encouragement to those you encounter. The divine balance of love continues. Choose to allow encouragement and compassion to become an essential part of your life. 


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Walk Your Troubles Away

    I was recently reminded of the great joy in walking and movement.  Last week a cherished friend invited me to go walking with her. The day was overcast and the light was dim.  Rain threatened to pour down at any time, but we started anyway. After some detours to get on the path, we began our journey.  It was incredible to walk and be totally aware of all the beauty surrounding us. The moments were magical and the scenery was breathtaking.  I felt healing and restoration and when we finished I was totally invigorated. The rain began just as we got back to our cars ... what an amazing experience! This delightful trek reminded me of something I wrote in Whisperings of the Spirit.  

    Have you ever had one of those days, a day of the blahs? You aren’t sick, you’re not really depressed, but you don’t feel great. You’re just not feeling alive. Worries run through your mind and life seems overwhelming. What do you do at these times? Do you accept and grumble, wait for the feeling to pass, or thank God and hang on?
    There is a way to speed the process. You can walk your troubles away. Walking can bring a healing comfort to your soul. Don’t think about walking, simply begin. As you walk, let go of everything. Release the distractions in your mind. Be totally and completely in the moment. See, feel, hear, smell and be aware! Shed your cares. Step forth with exuberance and joy.
    Find your own natural rhythm. Listen to your body and discover your effortless pace. Be aware of your surroundings. See God’s handiwork all around you. Notice the little things as you pass. Keep your eyes open and your senses aware. Feel the perfection of your own body as you move. Renew yourself as you become one with all God has created. Thank God for your life, your ability to move, and the beautiful world surrounding you.
    Keep your feet moving, your mind still, and walk your troubles away. Difficulties fall into perspective as you experience the joy and freedom of movement. After walking, if you choose, you can pick up your worries again with a fresh perspective. You may even look carefully and decide to leave a few of them on the ground.
    Today, choose to walk with God by your side. Step out in faith and experience the wonders of your body. Recognize the beauty of the gifts God daily bestows upon you. Walk with God today. Give your troubles to Him as you walk together.

From Whisperings of the Spirit by Rain Sundberg

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I awakened early this morning and went outside while it was still dark.  The sky was black and the predawn stars twinkled with delight.  Everything was still in the remaining moments before daybreak.  Slowly, in hushed silence, the emerging light began to silhouette the mountain with a faint gold halo.  Gradually pinks and lavenders burst forth.  Long before the actual rising of the sun, the beautiful light and color was seen, boldly announcing the beginning of another day.

This day I give grateful thanks for this moment of peace and serenity.  I quietly bask in the emerging light.  I see and feel and hear all of nature stirring, arising once again to partake of this day. I breathe deeply as I take in the miraculous breath of life.  I see with eyes of wonder the incredible beauty and abundance surrounding me.  I hear the symphony of nature announcing another glorious day.  I feel the grass beneath my feet, reminding me to remain grounded even as my spirit soars with gratitude.  

The sky lightens and brightens, as do I. The sun bursts forth in a dazzling display of pinks and oranges and crimsons.  I am so blessed!  I receive yet another day with gratitude and joy.  I feel the peace and wonder of this moment.  I am filled and fulfilled.  Thank you God!

Friday, September 9, 2011


September is here, and the warm summer fades into the magnificent days of fall.  Each season is beautiful and unique, but fall brings about splendors of nature that are breathtaking and unique. This is an incredible day … one unlike any other.  Feel the joy and wonder of this precious moment. 

It’s time to celebrate!  Joy is your birthright and love is your true nature. Enjoy this wonderful day and celebrate life! Feel the magnificence of living, breathing, doing and feeling!  Remember how truly precious life is. Celebrate! Joyously enter into the excitement of life, and have fun. Go and play; feel like a kid again and do something simply for the joy of doing it.  Luxuriate in the excitement of your life. View its magnificent wonder. Fully experience each glorious moment. Joyously celebrate your life!

Breathe deeply with gratitude and delight. Enjoy this day; laugh and celebrate. You are so blessed. You are not alone. Joyfully count your numerous blessings. The moment of celebration is here. Life is yours today. Celebrate and give thanks!

Now is the time to sing, dance and feel exhilaration and connection as you go through your day. Today is the day, and now is the time. Whatever situation you find yourself in, give thanks and find something to celebrate! Do not put off for tomorrow the joy and happiness you can experience today. 

Become as a child, and live with exuberance, trust, belief and the joy of being. Life is your playground, and this is your day. Receive all that is being generously offered to you at this time.  

Be fully present in each moment, and celebrate the gift of life. You are cut from the cloth of God, a spark of divinity clothed in human form. Embrace the ecstatic celebration of self. God is leading and directing your life. Celebrate and joyfully live this day!


Taken from A Gift of Love by Rain Sundberg

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


We are all blessed with abundance in many different forms.  We ask for blessings, seek them earnestly, and even give thanks when they appear, but do we take the time to intentionally bless others?



Success is defined in many ways by each of us. Our definition of what constitutes success determines whether we are happy and joyful in life or whether we are despondent and fearful. Most people accept the world’s definition of success. They measure success in terms of fame, power, wealth and possessions. If they acquire certain things, live in a certain place or look a certain way, they are considered successful.

So people dress for success and play the game of acquiring and achieving. It is not that this type of success is good or bad, but it is not complete. True success is an internal state of mind, independent of outward factors. True success can only be measured by God. If you use the world’s yardstick you may fall short; but if you use God’s yardstick you can be successful beyond your wildest dreams.

Consider today what success means to you. How do you define it? If it is something that the world can either give or take away, it is often accompanied by fear. If success is between you and God, you will be supported by His eternal peace and love.

Do you want to know the best kept secret of success? It’s so easy that most people completely miss it. That which you give away comes back to you. That which you pray for others returns to you. In order to be truly successful in life, “Bless for Success!

Bless others daily. Pray for them and send them your love. Ask God to grant others the gifts He has to bestow. Forget about yourself and what you think you require. Bless others and receive the true success that comes from trusting in God.

Today, send silent blessings to all you meet. Bless your family, friends, neighbors, the postman, the clerk, or the person crossing the street while you wait for a red light. Forget about what you think you do not have and simply count your blessings. Give thanks for all you do have at this moment. Send out your blessings to the world.

Bless for success! The experience of silently blessing and serving others is life changing. Sow blessings today and reap God’s love. Become God’s partner and bless for success.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


    It's summertime and warm days, brilliant sunshine and lush gardens remind me of long past summers.  One of my favorite childhood activities was drinking a cool glass of lemonade under the shade of our large weeping willow tree in the front yard.

    Saturday, August 20, is National Lemonade Day ... so how about joining with me in making some sweet, summer lemonade.


    You’ve probably heard the statement, “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  You shake your head and agree, but do you really understand the powerful message in these words?  This is a casual statement, but it holds incredible power.  These words contain the power to change your life.

   If life gives you lemons, the first thing to do is to give thanks as they are gifts from God.  Then, look carefully at the words.  The phrase doesn’t say, “If life gives you lemons, receive lemonade,” it says, “make lemonade.”  You must do your part.  Action and intent are required.  Adding something sweet is required.  This sweet ingredient is love.

    Lemons don’t magically become sweet lemonade.  Life doesn’t magically become better.  There has to be action and there has to be love.  Even if you add water and effort, without adding the sweet ingredient of love, all you’ve got is a glass of lemon water. 

    What cup will you drink from today?  You are the one who chooses.  You are the one who decides by your actions and reactions.  Is your life full of lemons today?  What will you do with them?  It is important to add the sweet ingredient of God’s love.  Give thanks and praise Him!  Look around and discover your opportunities and blessings.  Fill your life with God’s love.  Do you want lemons or lemonade?  It’s all up to you.

From Whisperings of the Spirit - A Daily Walk in the Light by Rain Sundberg

Monday, August 8, 2011


    There are many voices in the world today, and often the quiet whispers of the spirit are not heard.  Silence and stillness are the gateway which allows you to listen and receive divine guidance and inspiration.


   Have you ever had a day where you just couldn’t sit still?  Perhaps you would sit down, and then very quickly you would get up and begin moving around. You might pace, wander, wiggle, walk, or just move in place.  What was it that caused you to move?  Perhaps your muscles were tight, your blood supply might have been cut off, or you simply needed food in your system, but you were strongly prompted to move around.

  Well, God does the same thing.  He prompts us to move.  He does this by small whisperings or nudgings, and occasionally with a voice loud and clear.  At these times we have the choice of ignoring His voice or we can listen.  If we listen, we have another decision.  Do we sit still and do nothing, or do we get up and follow His direction?  If we are following God’s path we let His spirit move us.  We listen and then follow the guidance we are given.

   When we allow God’s spirit to move us, we exercise faith and trust.  We often do not know how, why, what, where, or when, but we do know Who is leading us.  We have faith and trust that God is in charge of our life and we simply follow where He leads us.  When we let His spirit lead us, we put God at the center of our life.

   Are you feeling restless today?  Are there recurring thoughts that keep popping up, that perhaps might be from God?  Are you being impressed to do something?  Is the spirit trying to move you?  Listen quietly in the silence.  Feel God’s spirit surround you — loving, guiding and directing.  Turn your life over to His care.  Walk with God beside you.  Follow where He leads.

   Be willing to allow God to inspire and strengthen you.  Forget how, why, what, where and when, and simply trust in God.  He is prompting you, so listen carefully.  He is showing the way, so follow His guidance.  He is with you, so receive His peace.  You are not alone.  God loves you and He is with you.  Allow God’s spirit to move you today!
From Whisperings of the Spirit – A Daily Walk in the Light by Rain Sundberg

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Yesterday I recognized I had stopped writing because of the huge amount of material I had already received. Then I realized a blog would be a wonderful way to continue writing, to share, to be uplifted and express love, peace, and joy. So, here goes . . .

There is a great deal of negative energy in the world today - wars, riots, natural disasters, pain, suffering, anger, and hatred. Many of us are also facing huge challenges, obstacles or discomfort. At times we may feel overwhelmed and powerless because of what we see and experience. During these times we can see the world’s view or we can CHOOSE to accept a higher perspective. This can be done through the powerful lens of gratitude. Adopting this view can change everything.

Gratitude is the key to living in the world, but not of the world. Gratitude brings peace and serenity as you turn to God (whatever name you call this incredible, magnificent, divine power). Gratitude allows divine energy to work and express its perfection in your life. Gratitude is a magic key that opens your heart up to giving and receiving love. It involves being grateful for ALL things in your life, letting go, and experiencing the healing power of love in all situations.

Feel gratitude this day for your life and your abundance. This day, with all its seeming problem and difficulties, is absolutely perfect if viewed from God’s divine perspective. Feel the joy of life, and view the wonders of your world.

The future is unsure, but this beautiful moment shines in radiant perfection, holding gifts and blessings that only can be experienced as you let go of how things ought to be and joyfully experience life just as it is this moment. This does not mean you do nothing, it simply means that you flow with life as it is and joyfully follow your personal vision.

The abundance and the joys of life are everywhere. They are often found in the small, simple things in life. Savor, appreciate and give thanks. Express gratitude and make it the way you live your life this day. Observe your experiences change as you give thanks in all things and for all things. Gratitude inaugurates a cycle that continues to grow and gain power. Gratitude fuels love and love fuels gratitude. Let go today and allow thankfulness to flow from you. Write down your blessings, record your gratitude, and observe your day expand in joyful appreciation.

Below I’ve included the Gratitude page from my new book, A Gift of Love.   I’d love to hear your thoughts and stories on how gratitude and giving thanks has changed your experiences and your life.


Gratitude is an important key to living a fulfilling life of love and joy. It is the creative force that unlocks the door to all of life’s incredible blessings. A grateful heart allows you to see your glass filling rather than emptying. Gratitude brings joy and delight and allows you to experience all of life’s gifts.
Look around and give thanks. Be aware of all you have, all you are receiving, and all you are. Let go of all distractions, problems and worries. Be aware of all the blessings in your life. Count your blessings is not a trite saying, but an eternal law of abundance.
Gratitude is the healing balm in all situations and allows you to move gracefully to love, joy and peace. No matter what is occurring in your life, no matter what situation you find yourself in, gratitude is possible. It is the key to living a life of joy, regardless of the outward circumstances.
Do you want to love life? Give thanks. Do you want to experience the total abundance of your life? Be grateful. Do you want to receive more blessings from God? Thank Him! Revel in the beautiful wonder of this moment. This is the time to experience gratitude for the treasures of the universe which are yours for the asking and the receiving.